Thursday, March 8, 2012

Free Crochet Pattern Easy Wristers

I have taken some ideas from others and they have turned into this pattern!

Size G hook
With Red Heart Super saver or any worsted yarn really!

Make 2!
These you can start with how ever many it takes to go around your wrist, for my wristers, it took 28 with a G hook :)

A is CC and B is MC!

With A Chain 28, join with slip stitch
1.       Chain 2, Dc in each stitch and join with sl st.
2.       Chain 2, Front post Dc in the first stitch, *Back post Dc, Front post Dc* continue to the end.
3.       Repeat row 2.
4.       Change color B, Chain 2, Dc in each stitch around, join with sl st
5.       Chain 2, Dc in each stitch around, join with sl st
6.       Repeat row 5
7.       Repeat row 5
8.       Repeat row 5
9.       Repeat row 5
10.   Repeat row 5
11.   Repeat row 5
12.   Chain 2, Do 9 DC, now in the next 5, do 2 Dc’s in each, then the rest do 1 DC.
13.   Chain 2, DC in each stitch around, join with sl st.
14.   Repeat row 13
15.   Repeat row 13
16.   Chain 1, sc in 12 stitches, than chain 5, skip 8 stitches, then rejoin and sc until the end of the row.  Join with sl st.
17.   Chain 2, Dc in each stitch, for the chain stitches, BL s only. Join with sl stitch
18.   Chain 2, Dc in each stitch for 13 stitches. Do 2 decreases in a row and continue doing Dc in each stitch.
19.   Chain 2, Dc in each stitch around, join with sl st.
20.   Change color to A, Chain 1, Sc around in each stitch, join with sl st.
21.   Chain 1, sc in each stitch around, join with sl st.
Fasten off and weave in ends.

1.       Join new yarn where you started chaining, chain 1, sc in each stitch in the thumb. The chain, make sure to put it into the loop that is available. Join with sl st.
2.       Chain 1, sc around until there are 6 stitches left. Now do 3 decreases in a row. Join with sl st
3.       Chain 1, sc around while adding 3 decreases where you would like. Join with Sl st.
4.       Chain 1, sc around, join with sl st.
5.       Repeat row 4
6.       Repeat row 4.
Fasten off and weave in the end.

Here is something to remember. You can make it as long as you want, and you could change up the pattern. You could even change the first rows to something you could do or another type of stitch even. You could use any colors you want! These wristers are very adaptable!!

These are pictures of at least one wrister right now. I just finished one and about to start the next one !

1 comment:

  1. Very cool pattern with my favorite yarn, Red Heart! Can't wait to make this. Thanks!!
